Following the vet’s recommendation, I dropped Elliot off for x-rays the day
after his diagnosis. Although I know x-rays can’t hurt, I am always worried about sedation. I returned home and sat near the phone waiting for the call to tell me I could pick him up. By 3:00 I called them. Relief! I could pick him up at 5:00.
When I arrived, the Vet went over the x-rays with me, showed me what was wrong, explained how the joints and bones should look, using models to demonstrate.
Then he explained what was required.
I told him I was willing to do everything necessary to save this dog and offer him a good life. In other words, I would pay for all expenses.
“I adopted him,” I said “And, I owe him.
What was necessary was surgery. The first step was the elbows, and he
proposed a doctor in Marin County for that surgery.
“I can do the hips,” he said.
Before leaving, I made an appointment for Friday to take out the eye stitches and told the Vet that Elliot’s eyes continuously seeped gook. He examined Elliot’s eyes, told me both eyes had conjunctivitis, and gave me some ointment. Ellliot’s problems seemed to be compounding.
Then he handed me the x-rays and told me to make an appointment with the
Marin vet and bring them with me.
The next morning I called Marin. It would be two weeks before I could get
an appointment. That allowed for a long time of worry and stress.